A-levels 2020: Mapping the online discourse
There was a lot of A-level and university application discourse on Twitter as results were released. Our Head of Research decided to map out the interactions and influence online to find out what was going on in these conversations.
Results day reactions: what are A-level students thinking right now?
How did A-level students react to results day? Our Research Analyst carried out social listening on results day to see how students were thinking and feeling about their grades – and, importantly, their futures.
10 ways to stay calm when you’re working through university clearing
Our CEO and Chief Content Strategist shares ten ways to make sure you’re looking after yourself and your mental wellbeing during Clearing.
University Clearing: the 2017 round-up
Results day is a daunting day for some students. What were universities doing to ensure they understood Clearing and made the right choice for their future?