University of Sheffield: creating a connected content strategy roadmap
In 2019, Student Support Services at the University of Sheffield approached Pickle Jar Communications to provide a connected content strategy roadmap to move themselves forward.
The roadmap was based on a period of research and review to understand the specific requirements for Sheffield:
Calls with key stakeholders
Review of existing documentation
Design and audit of staff-facing content management support content
We also designed a content audit to enable in-house staff to carry out the review of content for students themselves.
The Connected Content Strategy itself comprised of:
Setting content strategy
Further research
Content modelling
Structure and taxonomy
Content design and creation
Governance and workflow
Each section provided suggestions about activities and next steps to take Sheffield’s content strategy forward. The activities were designed to encourage stakeholder involvement. They also focussed on practical advice to aid the implementation rather than theoretical vision.
Scott Castle, Web Manager said:
“Working with Pickle Jar Communications, helped us open doors, develop wider engagement with our key stakeholders, and agree a roadmap for our Content Strategy.
With Pickle Jar’s nonpartisan, authoritative involvement, we were able to discover and understand the common content management challenges faced by colleagues across Student Support Services.
The comprehensive reports provide an invaluable reference resource of guidance, tools and techniques that we repeatedly referred to when things stalled along the way to developing our Content Strategy.”