Connected content

Do you know how much content you have, what it says, and who sees it? 

We can help you get a sense of everything you’re putting out there, and how to make it more coherent and effective.


You may be confident about what you’ve created in the last week, month or year. But do you know the whole picture?

What if...

  • Other teams are creating the same things?

  • Content is being repurposed without a plan or measurement?

  • You’ve got too many people adding and editing your site?

  • Your tags and taxonomy are unmanaged?

Pretty soon you’ll be facing a tangle of messages across a range of platforms and teams. It can be costly. And potentially damaging. 

This is where a connected content strategy can help. 

Why should we use connected content?

In a large organisation, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are so many processes, teams, channels and systems to consider. And looking at all this objectively can often be the hardest part.

Together, we can realise your connected content strategy.

Let’s work together to help you deliver a truly coherent vision for your content on all platforms. We can help you:

  • Create once, publish elsewhere (saving time and resources, reducing duplication of effort)

  • Understand what content you have, and how it all connects

  • Create taxonomy and tagging systems using your user’s language

  • Increase opportunities for personalisation

  • Make greater use of your CMS for taxonomy and personalisation

  • Design your site information architecture based on user need, to make content more findable and useable.

Get in touch, and we’ll help you review the content and systems you have. We’ll then put together some recommendations for how you might improve or transform them. These could involve activities such as: 

  • Content ecosystem mapping

  • Content modelling (and creating connected content diagrams to help you visualise the plan)

  • Information architecture development

  • Information architecture testing with users

  • Card sort activities to establish terminology for taxonomies and personalisation

  • Creation of page tables and structures to inform CMS requirements

Want to know how we’ve applied this in the past? Explore a few of our case studies with previous clients. We’re passionate about this, so we’ve written plenty of blog posts on ideas and ways of working. Let’s put them into practice at your institution.