Content strategy

Every institution creates and distributes content. But do you have a vision for how you do it?

If the answer is no, then perhaps it’s time you invested in a content strategy. 


Creating and sharing content for a school, college, or university can often feel like a frantic job.

After all, how do you ensure you’re making content that will inspire your audiences, fulfil your goals, satisfy all your different stakeholders - and still do all the other parts of your job?

At Pickle Jar Communications, we believe that a great strategy pays back the time and investment, many times over.

What is a content strategy for?

It will help you to:

  • Put together a clear vision for your content, that resonates with multiple stakeholders

  • Clarify how you’ll plan, create, distribute and maintain it (and who’ll do it)

  • Ensure your content is useful and useable to your audiences, and…

  • Make sure it works wherever it’s going, including with machines and intelligent systems

We can work with you and your stakeholders to fully understand your requirements. And then we’ll devise a plan to meet them. 

Whether you’re building a new platform, refreshing your website, or launching a digital campaign, we can help you produce a roadmap that really gets you somewhere.

We’ve worked with all sorts of education institutions to deliver: 

  • Audience, stakeholder and competitor research

  • Strategic alignment, setting objectives and creating a vision

  • Content structuring and modelling 

  • Creative editorial planning

  • Creation of new workflows and processes

  • Governance and implementation guidance

We can help you build a powerful strategy from the very beginning. Or we can work with you to improve just one part of it.