What’s your problem?

We don’t know if our content is really working

You’ve invested resources into content, you are happy with the results, and you’re getting likes and shares and comments online. But is that enough? Is the content actually helping you to achieve your goals? You colleagues will want to see results.

Measure the success of your content by:
  • Setting clear objectives from the start. We can only know if our content is working, if we have a clear definition of what success needs to look like.

  • Ensuring your content has a clear call-to-action, decided at the planning stage. Build this into the content itself, such as a custom landing page at the end of a video.

  • Investing in measurement and evaluation. Ensure you have the staff, time, tools and know-how to retrieve and analyse the impact of your content.

Pickle Jar Communications can help you stand out by:
  • Aligning your content with your strategic objectives. 

  • Advising on measurement and evaluation tools, and offer training.

  • Carrying out audience testing to discover how your content is being received.

  • And so much more… ask us.

Our students and alumni aren’t engaging as much as we’d like them to…

Our students and alumni lead busy lives. There is much competing for their time: work, hobbies, friends, family, and an endless stream of entertaining content. If we want students and alumni to engage with our activity, then we need to offer something special.

Improve engagement with your students and alumni by:
  • Understanding your audience through empathy-mapping exercises. Consider what they are thinking, feeling, seeing and doing, and tailor your content accordingly.

  • Conducting user journey mapping. This helps you identify exactly when a student or alumni might be open to hearing from you, and when you should give them space.

  • Redefining your definition of engagement. Are your expectations reasonable, considering these are in-demand audiences? What should success look like?

Pickle Jar Communications can help you stand out by:
  • Conducting audience research to discover their priorities and content preferences.

  • Running creative content planning workshops, or creating the content on your behalf.

  • Offering content and platform recommendations to make your content go further.

  • And so much more… ask us.

Our content just doesn’t stand out from everybody else’s…

The world is producing more content than ever before. Standing out can feel like an impossible task. How can we get our audience’s attention in such a content-saturated environment?

Make a splash with your content by:
  • Relaunching yourselves with an exciting new brand and distinctive direction. Boldly declare what makes you unique, then champion your individuality through content.

  • Daring to think differently. Search beyond the sector to find fresh inspiration. Trust your team’s instincts and creativity. Give them freedom to take a chance.

  • Benchmarking against your competitors. You cannot stand out, until you understand what you are standing out from.

  • Identifying what your audience wants to see, not what you want to say. Create content that is useful and informative.

Pickle Jar Communications can help you stand out by:
  • Writing brand guidelines to identify what makes you special.

  • Providing competitor research, so you know what you are up against.

  • Delivering ideation workshops to inspire you to create compelling content, or we can create high quality content on your behalf.

  • And so much more… ask us.